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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "comments to the editor".
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format as long as it does not exceed 15 MB
  • The text is in 1.5 space; uses a 10-point Arial font; employs italics instead of underlining (except in URL addresses); figures and tables are inserted in the text, not at the end of the document in the form of attachments.
  • If the graphic elements (such as figures, tables, tables, images and photos) are not of original authorship, are they accompanied by a license that authorizes their reproduction or adaptation?
  • Whenever possible, the URLs corresponding to the references were provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines. Guidelines for authors, on the magazine page.
  • All authors must be registered in the journal and have Orcid
  • The JHT journal reserves the right to index its platform of articles on sites that its editors deem convenient for the proposed dissemination of the journal, as well as the marketing and advertising of the article, provided that the return, when any, is shared with the author.
  • I assume full responsibility for the ideological and referential contribution given to this work, exempting the journal from any and all reflection on this article / work that I submit to publish. I am aware that I will be able to respond, civilly and criminally in case of proven plagiarism of the production or any topic that gives rise to ideological / political issues.
  • The research involving human beings has the approval of the Research Ethics Committee, as well as the process of obtaining the free and informed consent of the participants.
    Resolution 466/12 - Research in the health area.
    Resolution 510/16 - Research in the areas of Applied Social and Human Sciences
  • I am aware that: after submission of the article and the inclusion of the co-authors, it is forbidden to add more authors' names to the article, since the material has already been approved and is being edited. Special cases will be dealt with individually.
  • Dear authors, after the publication of the article in the journal (24 hours, time limit for changes), the inclusion of co-authors is vetoed, according to the criteria of CAPES and our indexers / directories
  • The sending of any DIGITAL CONTENT, automatically implies the full AUTHORIZATION of copyright to the Journal, being able to publish, display, give temporary access to third parties and distribute the contents in any and all territories in which the Journal carries out activities, as well as the rights to make access and consultation available, belong to the journal's website (site of the platform for publication/dissemination of access to articles). The Journal will have the freedom/right to index the journal on any platform or indexing directory, national or international, without having to communicate or consult its writers.
  • The set of all WORKS (articles, reviews, TCCs, translations, images, videos, interviews and others), in physical or digital format, were legally provided by the writers when the submission of their works on the Journal's platform.
    This AUTHORIZATION occurred when the article was registered and subdued by the author or co-authors, accepting the copyright conditions set out by the Journal, which complies with national and international standards for the dissemination of digital content.
  • I assume full responsibility for the registration of the co-authors in the journal, when applicable, and confirm that I have their consent to submit the article.
  • Cost of publication (CDP). For Brazilian is R$ 500 (five hundred reais), and foreign authors, the publication fee is US $ 200.00 (two hundred dollars). The publication fee is charged only for accepted papers. There is no submission fee. Please put your article number in the PIX or deposit made to the journal.
  • After the publication of the article, any corrections that are necessary will be the responsibility of the author, who must pay a fee of R$ 200.00 (two hundred reais) to make them. Only mistakes made by the journal itself during the publication process will be exempt from this fee.
  • I declare to be aware of the regulation of the journal and assume full responsibility, civil and criminal, for the content of the article submitted. In addition, I undertake to register all co-authors of the article and to make the corrections suggested by the evaluators, as well as to format the article according to the journal template.

Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines for Publication -  Guidelines for Authors/Contributors

JHT Journal

  1. The articles must be unpublished, not having been published in print or electronically. Proof of originality is the responsibility of the author (s);
  2. Articles in English will be accepted. The same article may also be submitted in other languages, as long as the first language of the journal is English;
  3. For the writing and presentation of the text is necessary for its suitability to the standards of the American Psychological Association (APA) or ABNT or VANCOUVER (Health area);
  4. The classification of the article by Section, at the time of submission, may include the following dimensions: (may have more than one concomitant): unpublished model / theory; field / empirical / laboratory research; practical applications; Case Study and teaching; descriptive and critical analysis; bibliographic / documentary research.
  5. On the first page of the article should contain the title of the work in English (centered and bold, capital letter), then the title in Portuguese and / or Spanish, when it exists, in bold and italics, followed by the Abstract (line spacing 1, 0), with a maximum of 250 words, KEYWORDS (at least three, recommended at most six) and Abstract, KEYWORDS, which should be removed and closed by point and then the introduction. Topics should be bold and capitalized, left-aligned;
  6. Articles should not contain the identification of the author (s). The identification of authorship of the work should be removed from the article, thus guaranteeing the confidentiality criterion of the journal, if submitted for peer review, facilitating the review by the system Blind-Review that omits to make the reviewer the authorship of the work, during the review process;
  7. Authors need to clearly present ideas, including the use of references and references. The papers must follow the format of the journal and, in general, are the following parts: (i) introduction, which means the importance of the research (what is the theme of the article, problematization, and what is its objective) and deals with its individuality; (ii) theoretical framework; (iii) methodology or research methods and techniques; (iv) results and discussion; (v) generation and recommendations; and (vi) revised bibliographic references;
  8. Format of Works: Office Word 97 or later, Page Layout: paper size: A4 (29.7 cm x 21 cm), top margin: 3.0 cm, bottom margin: 2.0 cm, left margin: 3.0 cm, right margin: 2.0 cm;
  9. The configuration of texts should follow the standard: Arial font, body 10 (for the entire manuscript); spacing between characters, words and lines: simple, for the abstract, abstract and / or abstract when there is and from the introduction spacing 1.5; number of suggested pages: minimum of 13 (thirteen), maximum of 30 (thirty), including references, references (bibliography) and text footnotes.  The article may have more or fewer pages, depending on your contribution. The number of authors per article depends on the research in question. The suggested is a maximum of 15 (fifteen), but there may be an exception. Please consult the editors. 
  10. The article cannot be submitted to simultaneous evaluation in another journal;
  11. The Editor may or may not accept the article submitted for publication, in accordance with the editorial policy;
  12. The Editor may or may not accept an article after it has been evaluated by the dual system - blind, which guarantees anonymity and confidentiality of both the author (or authors) and the reviewers;
  13. The Editor may suggest changes to the article both in terms of the content of the article and in relation to the adequacy of the text to the writing and presentation standards (APA); or ABNT; or VANCOUVER (Health area)
  14. The article approved for publication will be submitted to the final edition and the spelling and grammar review;
  15. In the OJS system, adopted by JHT, the author (s) will have the submission of the article refused by the system if they do not accept (in) as clauses of exclusivity, originality and copyright;
  16. The editor and / or any individual or institution linked to its collegiate bodies are not responsible for the opinions, ideas, concepts and positions expressed in the texts, as they are the sole responsibility of their author (or authors);
  17. Comments are made on standardized evaluation forms, with space for personalized comments, which are sent to the author (s) in case of conditional acceptance, corrections or refusal;
  18. Abstracts should be in two languages, preferably in English or Portuguese;
  19. Authors are required to inform ORCID in their submission database.
  20. The article should be submitted only online through the website.

Relevant observations: 

  1. Submit the article  and TCC in Word format. The article submitted in word cannot have identification (name of authors);
  2. Submit a Supplementary file, in Word, attachment, with the title page, also, the name of the authors, title, institution, as well as footnote with the address of the first author and the e-mail of all authors; 
  3. You will be able to publish your article in the following languages: English.
  4. All authors must be registered in the JHT journal and their Orcid must be included;
  5. If you or the coauthors do not have Orcid, you can apply here  link to get your Orcid
  6. Video tutorial on the importance of Orcid, click here!
  7. The names of the authors must be complete, always appearing in their correct order, without inversions, as well as the e-mail of each one, since no corrections will be made later.
  8. If you have any questions in the submission or registration, please send an email to or call +55 (11) 99344-3047.

Ten steps to publishing:

1 - Format in WORD, submitted without containing the names of the authors;

2- You must use Arial, font 10, in A4 format (page);

3- For the abstract of the article, simple space, with a maximum of 250 words. For the text of the article, space 1.5. The summary must be in English, Portuguese or Spanish;

4- Title of the article in English, Portuguese, must be in capital letters and bold;

5- All authors must be registered in the JHT journal and have ORCID. How to get ORCID, click

6- The use of images, tables and illustrations should follow common sense and preferably the maximum file size to be submitted around 15 MB (ten mega)

7- The Editor may suggest changes to the article in relation to the adequacy of the text to the writing and presentation standards (APA), or ABNT, VANCOUVER (Health area);

8- Make a spelling correction before submitting the article;

9- If you can pass the article on CopySpider, which is a software that checks plagiarism. It is free to download in:

10- Any questions send an email to  or WhatsApp +55 (11) 99344-3047

Please make all adjustments within 10 days to expedite publication.


Publications of book reviews, interviews, congresses, book chapters, academic/scientific lectures, scientific reports and translations. 

Copyright Statement 


  1. to) “WORK" - means literary material of intellectual authorship of the respective authors, such as article / review / translations / images / video / interviews / others, whose commercialization rights (availability of access and consultation), belong to the author, as well as any and all updates or new editions of existing works.
  2. b) “DIGITAL CONTENT"- means the set of all works, made available by the author and co-authors to JHT journal, in an accessible format for reading by electronic means, which can be accessed through a digital platform or other available technology, and which will be made available by the author to JHT journal.

Declares the author to be the sole and exclusive owner of the patrimonial rights of the works that integrate all the digital Content submitted in JHT journal. It also declares to have all the rights of commercialization, permission of temporary access, reproduction (total or partial) of the whole or parts, for publication purposes. Grants JHT journal the permission to access and / or share as digital content, similar or similar, in EPUB3, PDF or any other technologically possible format, for access by third parties for any purpose with specific purposes. Declares that in relation to the contents it has respected and observed all patrimonial copyrights, under the terms of law 9.610/98.

When submitting Digital Content

The author also grants the Journal Health and Technology an exclusive license to:

The sending of any DIGITAL content, automatically implies the full authorization of the copyright to JHT journal, being able to publish, display, give temporary access to third parties and distribute the contents in any and all territory in which JHT journal carries out activities as well as, the rights of access and consultation, belong to the website of JHT journal, (site of the publication/dissemination platform of access to articles). The JHT journal will have the freedom/right to index the journal in any platform or indexing directory, national or international, without having to communicate or consult its articulators.

The set of all works (articles, reviews, translations, images, videos, interviews and others), in physical or digital format, were legally assigned by the writers when submitting their works on the JHT journal platform.

This authorization occurred when the article was registered and submitted by the author or authors, accepting the copyright conditions set forth by JHT journal, which meets national and international standards for the dissemination of digital content.


It is explicit for all legal purposes and that if they are transferred, that I assume full responsibility for the ideological and referential contribution conferred to this work, exempting JHT journal from any and all reflection on this article / work that I submit to publish. I am aware that I will be able to respond, civilly and criminally in case of proven plagiarism of the production or any topic that gives rise to ideological / political issues.

Contact Privacy Policy  

The names and addresses provided in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.


Section default policy


Publications of book reviews, interviews, congresses, book chapters, academic/scientific lectures, scientific reports and translations. 


List of evaluators/reviewers of the papers.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses provided in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, and are not made available for other purposes or to third parties.

The Journal undertakes to the protection of personal data through technical and administrative measures (Art. 46) collected during the process in compliance with Law 13.709/2018 - General Law for the Protection of Personal Data (LGPD). The names, data and addresses provided in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication through the hypothesis of processing the Performance of Contract provided for in Art. 7, V, established through this instrument. The data collected, and in cases of failure to submit, the journal undertakes to delete all personal data in respect of Art. 15 and 16 of the LGPD, will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.

To obtain the Rights of the Holders (access, correction, exclusion, portability) pursuant to Art. 18 of the LGPD, contact directly the DPO / Responsible for the Processing of Personal Data.

In compliance with Art. 41 of the LGPD, a D.P.O. is established, taking into account the communications of the holders and the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) through the following e-mail: