TICs, Efeitos nutricionais, DistúrbiosResumo
Nos últimos anos, houve um aumento de doenças cardiovasculares, câncer, diabetes e distúrbios do neurodesenvolvimento, como autismo e transtorno de déficit de atenção. As causas de doenças e distúrbios são multifatoriais. No entanto, de acordo com estudos recentes, é dada especial ênfase às causas nutricionais. Alimentos específicos parecem causar efeitos prejudiciais à saúde e ao cérebro. Neste trabalho, são investigados os resultados negativos de 15 alimentos brancos na dieta, como açúcar, farinha branca e arroz, carne, leite, mas também intensificadores de sabor, adoçantes, álcool e outros.
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Drigas, A. & Kokkalia, G. 2017. ICTs and Special Education in Kindergarten. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning 9 (4), 35–42. DOI:
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Pappas M, Drigas A, Papagerasimou Y, Dimitriou H, Katsanou N, Papakonstantinou S, et al. 2018; Female Entrepreneurship and Employability in the Digital Era: The Case of Greece. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity. 4(2): 15. DOI:
Papanastasiou G., Drigas, A. S., Skianis Ch., M. Lytras & E. Papanastasiou, 2018. “Patient-Centric ICTs based Healthcare for students with learning, physical and/or sensory disabilities,” Telemat Inform, vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 654–664, 2018. https://doi. org/10.1016/j.tele.2017.09.002 DOI:
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Pappas, M., Eleftheria Demertzi, Yannis Papagerasimou, Lefteris Koukianakis, Nikitas Voukelatos, and Drigas, A. S., 2019. Cognitive Based E-Learning Design for Older Adults. Social Sciences 8, 1 (Jan. 2019), 6. DOI:
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Drigas, A. S., Rodi-Eleni Ioannidou, 2013 A Review on Artificial Intelligence in Special Education, Information Systems, Elearning, and Knowledge Management Research Communications in Computer and Information Science Volume 278, pp 385-391, DOI:
Drigas, A., Vrettaros, J. (2004): An Intelligent Tool for Building e-Learning Contend-Material Using Natural Language in Digital Libraries. WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications 5(1) 1197–1205
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Vrettaros, J., Tagoulis, A., Giannopoulou, N., & Drigas, A. (2009). An empirical study on the use of Web 2.0 by Greek adult instructors in educational procedures. World Summit on Knowledge System (WSKS), 49, 164-170. DOI:
Drigas, A., Dourou, A. (2013). A Review on ICTs, E-Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Dyslexic's Assistance. iJet, 8(4), 63-67. DOI:
Anagnostopoulou, P., Alexandropoulou, V., Lorentzou, G., Lykothanasi, A., Ntaountaki, P., & Drigas, A. (2020). Artificial intelligence in autism assessment. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 15(6), 95-107. DOI:
Pappas, M., & Drigas, A. (2016). Incorporation of artificial intelligence tutoring techniques in mathematics. International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy, 6(4), 12–16. DOI:
Lytra N, Drigas A 2021 STEAM education-metacognition–Specific Learning Disabilities Scientific Electronic Archives 14 (10) DOI:
Mitsea E, Lytra N, A Akrivopoulou, A Drigas 2020 Metacognition, Mindfulness and Robots for Autism Inclusion. Int. J. Recent Contributions Eng. Sci. IT 8 (2), 4-20 DOI:
Stavridis S, D Papageorgiou, Z Doulgeri 2017 Dynamical system based robotic motion generation with obstacle avoidance, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 2 (2), 712-718 DOI:
Kastritsi T, D Papageorgiou, I Sarantopoulos, S Stavridis, Z Doulgeri, 2019 Guaranteed active constraints enforcement on point cloud-approximated regions for surgical applications 2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 8346-8352 DOI:
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Chaidi I, Drigas A 2022 Digital games & special education Technium Social Sciences Journal 34, 214-236 DOI:
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Kokkalia, G., Drigas, A., & Economou, A. (2016). The role of games in special preschool education. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 11(12), 30-35. DOI:
Kefalis C, Kontostavlou EZ, Drigas A, 2020 The Effects of Video Games in Memory and Attention. Int. J. Eng. Pedagog. 10 (1), 51-61 DOI:
Drigas, A., & Mitsea, E. (2020). The 8 Pillars of Metacognition. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 15(21), 162-178. v15i21.14907 DOI:
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Drigas, A., & Mitsea, E. (2021). 8 Pillars X 8 Layers Model of Metacognition: Educational Strategies, Exercises &Trainings. International Journal of Online & Biomedical Engineering, 17(8). DOI:
Drigas A., Papoutsi C. (2020). The Need for Emotional Intelligence Training Education in Critical and Stressful Situations: The Case of COVID-19. Int. J. Recent Contrib. Eng. Sci. IT 8(3), 20–35. 10.3991/ijes.v8i3.17235 DOI:
Drigas, A., & Mitsea, E. (2020). The Triangle of Spiritual Intelligence, Metacognition and Consciousness. International Journal of Recent Contributions from Engineering, Science & IT (iJES), 8(1), 4-23. DOI:
Kokkalia, G., Drigas, A. Economou, A., & Roussos, P. (2019). School readiness from kindergarten to primary school. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 14(11), 4-18. DOI:
Drigas, A., & Mitsea, E. (2021). Metacognition, stress-relaxation balance & related hormones. International Journal of Recent Contributions from Engineering, Science & IT (iJES), 9(1), 4–16. DOI:
Pappas M, Drigas A. 2019; Computerized Training for Neuroplasticity and Cognitive Improvement. International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy.9(4):50-62 DOI:
Papoutsi, C. and Drigas, A. (2017) Empathy and Mobile Applications. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies 11(3). 57. DOI:
Papoutsi, C. & Drigas, A. (2016). Games for Empathy for Social Impact. International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy 6(4), 36-40. DOI:
Karyotaki, M., & Drigas, A. (2015). Online and other ICT Applications for Cognitive Training and Assessment. International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering. 11(2), 36-42. DOI:
Papoutsi, C., Drigas, A., & Skianis, C. (2019). Emotional intelligence as an important asset for HR in organizations: Attitudes and working variables. International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning, 12(2), 21–35. DOI:
Chaidi I. Drigas, A. S., 2020. “Autism, Expression, and Understanding of Emotions: Literature Review,” Int. J. Online Biomed. Eng., vol. 16, no. 02, pp. 94–111, 10.3991/ijoe.v16i02.11991 DOI:
Drigas, A. S., & Karyotaki, M. (2019). A Layered Model of Human Consciousness. International Journal of Recent Contributions from Engineering, Science & IT (iJES), 7(3), 41- 50. DOI:
Drigas, A. S., Karyotaki, M., & Skianis, C. (2018). An Integrated Approach to Neuro-development, Neuroplasticity and Cognitive Improvement. International Journal of Recent Contributions from Engineering, Science & IT (iJES), 6(3), 4-18. DOI:
Karyotaki M. and Drigas, A. S., 2016. “Latest trends in problem solving assessment,” International Journal of Recent contributions from Engineering, Science & IT (iJES), vol. 4, no. 2, 4-10. DOI:
Mitsea E., Drigas, A. S., and Mantas P., 2021. Soft Skills & Metacognition as Inclusion Amplifiers in the 21st Century,” Int. J. Online Biomed. Eng. IJOE, vol. 17, no. 04, Art. no. 04, DOI:
Angelopoulou, E. Drigas, A. (2021). Working Memory, Attention and their Relationship: A theoretical Overview. Research. Society and Development, 10(5), 1-8. DOI:
Tourimpampa, A., Drigas, A., Economou, A., & Roussos, P. (2018). Perception and text comprehension. It’sa matter of perception! International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET). 13(7) DOI:
Drigas A, Mitsea E 2020 A metacognition based 8 pillars mindfulness model and training strategies. International Journal of Recent Contributions from Engineering, Science & IT 8(4), 4-17. DOI:
Papoutsi C, Drigas A, C Skianis 2021 Virtual and augmented reality for developing emotional intelligence skills Int. J. Recent Contrib. Eng. Sci. IT (IJES) 9 (3), 35-53 DOI:
Kapsi S, Katsantoni S, Drigas A 2020 The Role of Sleep and Impact on Brain and Learning. Int. J. Recent Contributions Eng. Sci. IT 8 (3), 59-68 DOI:
Drigas A, Mitsea E, Skianis C 2021 The Role of Clinical Hypnosis and VR in Special Education International Journal of Recent Contributions from Engineering Science & IT 9(4), 4-17. DOI:
V Galitskaya, A Drigas 2021 The importance of working memory in children with Dyscalculia and Ageometria Scientific Electronic Archives 14 (10) DOI:
Chaidi I, Drigas A 2020 Parents' Involvement in the Education of their Children with Autism: Related Research and its Results International Journal Of Emerging Technologies In Learning (Ijet) 15 (14), 194-203. DOI:
Drigas A, Mitsea E 2021 Neuro-Linguistic Programming & VR via the 8 Pillars of Metacognition X 8 Layers of Consciousness X 8 Intelligences Technium Soc. Sci. J. 26, 159 DOI:
Drigas A, Mitsea E 2022 Conscious Breathing: a Powerful Tool for Physical & Neuropsychological Regulation. The role of Mobile Apps Technium Social Sciences Journal 28, 135-158 DOI:
Drigas A, Mitsea E, C Skianis 2022 Clinical Hypnosis & VR, Subconscious Restructuring-Brain Rewiring & the Entanglement with the 8 Pillars of Metacognition X 8 Layers of Consciousness X 8 Intelligences. International Journal of Online & Biomedical Engineering 18 (1) DOI:
Drigas A, Karyotaki M 2019 Attention and its Role: Theories and Models. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning 14 (12), 169-182 DOI:
Drigas A, Karyotaki M 2019 Executive Functioning and Problem Solving: A Bidirectional Relation. International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP) 9 (3) DOI:
Bamicha V, Drigas A 2022 ToM & ASD: The interconnection of Theory of Mind with the social-emotional, cognitive development of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. The use of ICTs as an alternative … Technium Social Sciences Journal 33, 42-72 DOI:
Drigas A, Mitsea E, C Skianis 2022 Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Positive Psychology & VR in Special Education. Scientific Electronic Archives 15 (1) DOI:
Drigas A, Mitsea E, Skianis C. 2022 Virtual Reality and Metacognition Training Techniques for Learning Disabilities SUSTAINABILITY 14(16), 10170 DOI:
Drigas A,. Sideraki A. 2021 Emotional Intelligence in Autism Technium Soc. Sci. J. 26, 80 DOI:
Drigas A, Mitsea E, Skianis C.. 2022 Subliminal Training Techniques for Cognitive, Emotional and Behavioural Balance. The role of Εmerging Technologies Technium Social Sciences Journal 33, 164-186 DOI:
Bakola L, Drigas A, 2020 Technological development process of emotional Intelligence as a therapeutic recovery implement in children with ADHD and ASD comorbidity. . International Journal of Online & Biomedical Engineering, 16(3), 75-85 DOI:
Bamicha V, Drigas A, 2022 The Evolutionary Course of Theory of Mind - Factors that facilitate or inhibit its operation & the role of ICTs Technium Social Sciences Journal 30, 138-158 DOI:
Karyotaki M, Bakola L, Drigas A, Skianis C, 2022 Women’s Leadership via Digital Technology and Entrepreneurship in business and society Technium Social Sciences Journal. 28(1), 246–252. DOI:
Mitsea E, Drigas A,, Skianis C, 2022 Breathing, Attention & Consciousness in Sync: The role of Breathing Training, Metacognition & Virtual Reality Technium Social Sciences Journal 29, 79-97 DOI:
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