


Perinatal Mortality, Fetal Distress, Telemedicine, Medical Technology


The current context of medical activity demands from obstetricians a broad understanding of the scientific and technological advances. The objective of this article is to reveal the historical evolution of medical practices and technology in a particular field of health, namely the health of the fetus and the medical practices of its follow-up, in the face of the enormous technological advances that have occurred in the supply of cross-cutting technologies with potential use in this particular field. The methodology used was a non-systematic bibliographic review carried out in scientific journals in the medical field, and for the interpretation of the material collected, the approach of sectoral innovation system was adopted, which can be defined as a network of agents that interact in a specific technological field. The main results of the research show that over the centuries, with the advancement of technology, new equipment has been proposed to eliminate the limitations of interobserver interpretation, thus allowing new multicenter randomized studies. Furthermore, it has become clear that the health crisis caused by the Coronavirus limited, broke, and disrupted face-to-face care in all medical fields and served as a springboard for accelerating the use of electronic systems and artificial intelligence in medical care. And finally, it can be observed that the process of technological diffusion encounters several tensions between those who defend remote prenatal care and those who have aversion or distrust towards modernization, excessive medical conservatism, lack of regulation on the subject, and ethical issues that limit its advances.


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Author Biographies

Cristiano Salles Rodrigues

PhD student in Regional Planning and City Management from Cândido Mendes University, Master in Regional Planning and City Management from Cândido Mendes University, Professor of Obstetrics, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)/Macaé Campus and Antônio Pedro Hospital, Fluminense Federal University (UFF).

Lia Hasenclever

Bachelor's degree in Economics, Master's degree in Industrial Economics and PhD in Production Engineering all from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Professor in the post-graduate program in Regional Planning and City Management and Retired Professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.


Eduardo Shimoda

Bachelor's degree in Animal Science from UFV, master's and doctorate in Animal Production from UENF. Coordinated the master's course in Operations Research and Computational Intelligence (POIC) at UCAM-Campos, teaches and advises in the undergraduate and master's POIC and the master's and doctorate in Regional Planning / City Management. DataScience Consultant at Campos de Goytacazes City Hall and LES/PUC-RIO. Consultant for CAPES, having acted in the Working Groups "Professional Masters" and "Technical Production", besides having participated in the elaboration committees of the Technical Production area document and the Quadrennial Evaluation in the area of Urban and Regional Planning and Demography. Statistical Consultant in the area of Medicine III.



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How to Cite

Rodrigues, C. S., Hasenclever, L., & Shimoda, E. (2022). THE TECHNOLOGICAL EVOLUTION OF FETAL MONITORING IN PREGNANCY CARE. Journal Health and Technology - JHT, 1(4), e1421.